Sent from my mobile device

There was a time when it used to be a proud moment when people used to pull out their Blackberrys and start rolling the joystick to check the emails. It was like these 10 mins which i am gonna spend while walking to my desk are the most crucial moments of the day. 

I felt it was kind of show off as in many big organisations in India not everyone gets access to official emails on their handheld devices. 

Times have changed now, the so called Blackberry boys are now kind of possessing the most outdated smartphones, these phones are now liability then assets. Thanks to the robot and Mr. Jobs.

So back in those days it was very important the people do mention in their emails that they are on move and there can be chances of typing mistakes or the language of the email may sound a bit crisp. To avoid any oak-word situations, people added one line to their signature 'Sent from my Handheld' few people wrote it as 'Sent from my Balckberry'

When iPhone came and Android made it possible for everyone to carry a smartphone, the signatures also started changing. Sent from Blackberry changed to Sent from iPhone. 

Off late people got very creative and they added some very interesting and funny lines to their Signature.

I putting here a collection which i saw on Web;

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